Business Partnerships & Philanthropy

Building connections between commerce and culture to create sustainable, dedicated sources of funding for the arts in Kenosha.

Identifying funding sources for the arts and communicating the community impact of the creative sector is a challenge felt across the country. While this issue is not unique to Kenosha, we believe Kenosha is uniquely positioned to build these relationships and make a strong case to private donors and businesses for arts partnerships and funding. Kenosha does have strong community interest around developing the creative economy, however current arts funding remains project based and disparate. Some challenges identified to
Kenosha’s current arts funding include: inadequate measurement and accountability metrics for funded projects; one-off funding, rather than
funding for strategic growth; and limited size of most of the Kenosha area funding sources. In order to achieve the outcomes identified in this strategic plan, research and development of a centralized, sustainable philanthropic strategy is vital.

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