About KenoshaRising

KenoshaRising is a foundational body of work that began in 2014 and continues serving the interest of Kenosha’s artists and creatives today. Its organizers believe that within a global economy, creativity is a competitive edge that adds value in the marketplace but that also, arts and creativity are an engine for economic activity locally.
KenoshaRising organizers catalogue the economic contributions of local working artists, creative entrepreneurs and professionals, establishing baseline assessments of the economic impact of such work. KenoshaRising, in this way, provides language around the economics of arts and creativity in Kenosha.
KenoshaRising also fortifies a multi-sector approach, stimulating meaningful collaborations and impactful community projects among creative professionals and leaders from other sectors and fields.
KenoshaRising serves as a platform for the development of the Kenosha Creative Economy Strategic Plan that will occur between Fall 2016-Spring 2017.

Background on Kenosha Rising

The City of Kenosha Commission on the Arts (CCOA), the Kenosha County University of Wisconsin-Extension, together with Expose Kenosha, and support from the Kenosha Community Foundation, worked together to catalog local artists and analyze economic impacts of the arts. Over 140 local artists and creatives participated in the online Kenosha Rising survey, gauging their perspectives on the strengths, challenges and opportunities of the arts scene in Kenosha.
Links to related reports: