Kenosha County UW-Extension
19600 – 75th Street, Suite #2
Bristol, WI 53104
(FAX) 262-857-1998
For immediate release: 10/6/2016
Contact: Amy Greil, 262-857-1935
Kenosha Creative Economy Strategic Plan Kick-Off
(Kenosha, WI)
The Kick-Off to the Kenosha Creative Economy Strategic Plan will occur on Tuesday, October 11 from 6-8:00pm at Circa on Seventh. This meeting is open to the public.
The Kenosha Creative Economy Strategic Plan reflects the aspirations of creatives. Based on feedback over the past several years, activists have been working to engage the community more broadly for the promotion of creative endeavors. To achieve this aim, a band of leaders have launched a process for the creation of a Kenosha Creative Economy Strategic Plan. This 2-semester process will be undertaken in conjunction with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Bolz Center for Arts Administration in September 2016 and will wrap-up by May 2017. This will outline a framework or “road map” will investigate strengths and opportunities of our local arts community and recommend action steps to strengthen networks and foster artistic and cultural development.
Members representing a range of sectors, industries and affiliations have been selected to serve as part of a 25-member Steering Committee, guiding the process.
Please refer to for more details. With questions, please contact Amy Greil, Kenosha County UW-Extension at 262-857-1935.
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